Gaming 4 Inclusion
Afternoon Sessions with People of different Standings, Promoting Inclusion, Gaming and Health Benefits
Gaming 4 Inclusion is a passion project that aims to bring people of all walks of life together through gaming. Our mission is to promote inclusivity and the health benefits of gaming. We believe that gaming can be a powerful tool in bringing people together, regardless of their backgrounds. Join us for an afternoon of fun and games, and be part of the community that promotes inclusivity and health.
Our Activities
Afternoon sessions at retirement homes
We host afternoon session at retirement homes, where we host different games with residents and visitors.
Afternoon sessions at disability centers
We host afternoon session at disabilitiy centers, where we host different games with residents and visitors.
Booths at Expos and
We moderate booths at expositions and conventions. We host a selection of games and provide diverse activities for visitors.
Funded by the European Commission
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endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.